Sales Managers

Help Sales Managers Develop Sales People and Sales Revenue

Too many first line managers spend too much time making sure their team members do what they are supposed to do, the way they are supposed to do it and when they are supposed to do it. Micro-management is keeping them away from their core mission and added value. For these reasons we have developed key Sales Managers programs to help them refocus on their strategic priorities and secure the achievement of their KPIs.

We Design, Customize And Facilitate Proven Sales Trainings.

DeFACTO Sales Consulting is a certified partner of

Lead The Change

As the economical climate is getting increasingly uncertain Sales Managers expect sales people to be able to paint the picture of change when reaching out to top customer executives. Sales Managers should be in position to model that ambition and be the change they except from their team. We help sales managers getting each team member on board by articulating their strategic vision in the most compelling way. We co-build inspiring insight their sales can use on the field in their specific markets when connecting to top executives and nurturing this relationship as trusted advisers. 

Performance Coaching

Developing the sales team, making each of them more autonomous, get them to identify solutions to their daily problems without having to pick up their phone to ask their managers what to do. We train Sales Managers to powerful, easy to remember coaching processes they can apply with their team and collaborator on a daily basis to conciliate performance, self development and team spirit.

Deal reviews

At the core of sales performance of FLM is the ability to manage forecast accuracy and ultimately make the numbers. Managing efficient deal reviews is one of the key competence a Sales Leader should develop to achieve excellence on that area. Efficient deal review is about diagnosing the weak spot in any opportunity, unlocking stalled leads and identify early deals we cannot sign. We train and coach Sales Managers to drive efficient and consistent deal reviews based on the four A’s methodology. to turn this interaction with the sales representative into an opportunity to secure their business, develop their critical sense and “celebrate what we don’t know!”.

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