Sales Teams

Earn The Status of Trusted Advisor

Among the many challenges of turning a group of collaborators into an efficient sales team, there is one main topic that focuses most attention and effort: how can my sales people become the trusted advisor of our clients final decision makers? Reaching that holy grail of B2B complex selling that would ultimately generate more revenue, shorten sales cycle and increase transformation rate is the red line of Sales programs.

We Design, Customize And Facilitate Proven Sales Trainings.

DeFACTO Sales Consulting is a certified partner of

Value Selling : Compete On Value, Not On Price

You are unique. Your company’s mission, vision and challenges are yours alone, and they distinguish you from your competitors. At DeFACTO Sales Consulting, we understand that unique enterprises require unique solutions. Our award-winning value-based sales training was designed for salespeople, by salespeople. The ValueSelling Framework is scalable, customizable, modular and flexible enough to address virtually any sales challenge in any industry.

Access To Power

Becoming the Trusted Advisor of your key decision makers is the ultimate key to sales success that most organization are trying to gain but very few do. The success of this enterprise lies in our ability to deploy a combination of relevant insight, conversation skills and last but not least Emotional Intelligence. Our program addresses these challenges both in the training room and through a field coaching program. After long discussions about accessing to Power, it’s time to walk the talk!


The subscription economy has changed the nature of negotiation. This one-off meeting has turned into a recurrent exercise that paves the way of our customer lifecycle. The hit and run approach is even less relevant as negotiation is an on-going process to which depends the perennity of our recurrent revenues. To add to the challenge negotiation is about dealing with the unexpected. Being quick on our feet is great but improvisation quickly reaches its limits. We train sales people (and managers) to prepare and drive their negotiation meetings to reach profitable and long lasting agreements with their customers.

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They Trust Us